Black Spruce Holdings, LLC, is actively seeking crew members for the 2021 harvest season which runs from early-September to late-November. We offer a production-based compensation package for the overriding considerations:
Instills ownership mentality
Fosters collaboration amongst team members to drive efficiencies
Provides enhanced compensation tied to production goals
Incentivizes team members to consider Black Spruce Holdings, LLC, for future seasons
Promotes Black Spruce Holdings, LLC, as an employer of choice in today’s competitive labor market
Compensation Package
Production-based compensation provides opportunity to earn wages well in excess of other labor-based positions
Potential daily production bonus
Season bonus of up to $2500 for first season members
Recruiting bonus of up to $500 per recruit paid to team members who bring others on board
Lodging provided
The 2021 season will represent Black Spruce Holdings, LLC, twenty-first harvest. The company’s success has been built upon quality team members who have supported this family-owned business. It is with great excitement to be able to acknowledge the effort poured into a successful season with an enhanced compensation package for 2021. We are always honored to work alongside the team in the field. We have been blessed in the past with individuals willing to roll-up their sleeves and put in an honest day’s work! Our respect for those willing to put forth the effort is hard to measure. We do our best to acknowledge through a rewarding compensation package and verbalize it at a personal level. It has been our pleasure to serve as a reference for a past crew member seeking future employment opportunities. Knowing the dedication, perseverance, and flexibility it takes to be a successful member gives us confidence in a recommendation knowing the attributes will translate to other work environments! More importantly, while team composition changes over time many friendships have been retained with members who have moved on to different chapters in life.
We sincerely hope you consider becoming a member of our team for the 2021 season. To learn more about our employment opportunities, please click HERE